All flies are priced individually unless otherwise stated , UK tax is included in the price
When you receive your order there will be a discount code attached,simply enter this at checkout on your next order for a 5% discount.
Buzzers , Clinkhammer , Parachutes , , Cormorants, Damsels ,Diawl bachs, CDC Flies, Fabs , Boobies, Hoppers , Daddy long legs, Muddler, Sedgehog, Wets , Minky ,Zonker Bloodworm ,Brassie , Dancers ,Egg flies ,Bloodworm, Maggot, Mayflies. Okey dokey,Nomads , Nymphs ,Blobs , Floating Fry, Bunny leeches , Stalking bugs ,terrestrial , Snatchers, Cats Whiskers, Lures ,Czech Nymphs ,General lures,Snake flies, Grayling flies,Humungus, worms,Seatrout, Tube flies and my selected flies by spring,summer autumn and winter
Thanks for looking